Trade your cryptos with a bot that supports multiple trading strategies.
Some time ago, some friends tried to convince me to start trading crypto coins. But since I am not really
interested in trading, I found a way to combine their trading affinity with my technical affinity and skills.
That's why I wrote 'CryptoFox' as an automated trading tool.
At the moment, only Bitpanda Pro and my own
BitBroker are supported, but I will gradually add more supported exchanges to
the system.
I did some research and found out that the most common bots in the wild use DCA (Dollar Cost Average) and grid
strategies, and after figuring out what exactly that is, I think my versions of it are at least on par with the
implementations of the most popular commercial projects.
Currently you can use it for free, but maybe sometime in the future I'll start charging for it.
A demo crypto broker implemented in Slang.
As I'm now into cryptos (I guess this phase will pass as soon as I loose my first coins), I wanted to understand
the concept of a broker more deeply, and what could be better to understand something then to implement it once
self. There is no GUI for this broker since this was not one of the goals of this effort - as you clearly can see
from my other projects I'm not into that visual stuff - but it features a simple but powerful API to query and
create orders and trades.
Although I wrote this within one afternoon, I expect the project to slowly grow over the next few months. Let's
see what will come out in the end.
MovieBase (Github)
A frontend to access and organize the movies and series stored on my NAS, written in Slang.
It works a lot like all the other media libraries you find out there. The backend mostly consists of a (MariaDB)
database and some scripts to read in supported media files from disk and create thumbnails for them in
customizeable sizes. The frontend displays these thumbnails in a grid spread over multple pages - I think you can
imagine how this looks like. You're able to add tags and a brief description to all movies/items and it's also
possible to add actors to them, for whom you can also add tags and a short text. If you want you can add
movies/items to collections which themself can also be tagged. Currently it's not automatically possible to
arrange episodes in seasons but this can be done by adding them manually to collections.
If you're interested in the source code, just contact me.
Play detective by solving a crime through SQL queries.
This is a single page web application in which you can query a SQLite3 database to find out who the murderer is.
As soon as you enter the page a private copy of the template database is created, which is then used for your
queries. Feel free to modify the data, or do whatever you want to do with the database, since it will be deleted
automatically if you reset your session.
The actual data has been copied from knight lab ( as it originally was only
intended as a test for my Slang SQLite3 extension. Thank you knight lab for doing such a cool thing!
Pascal (Github)
A Pascal interpreter and debugger completely written in Slang. Running very slowly because it is interpreting
inside of an interpreted language... considering that, it has quite good startup times.
Basic (Github)
A Basic interpreter and debugger completely written in Slang.